Rocky Mountain Elder Law Clothes Drive for Native American Communities

Rocky Mountain Elder Law is holding a Clothes Drive to help the Lakota Nation residents of the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. In the run-up to November’s Native American Heritage Month, we will be collecting donations at our offices until Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Native American communities are some of the most vulnerable in the country and among them, indigenous people in South Dakota experience the highest rate of poverty among Native Americans across the US.  About 49% of Native Americans in the state live in poverty. The Rosebud Reservation is economically depressed and ranks second (after the Pine Ridge Reservation) in per capita income on Plains Reservations.  Unemployment sometimes reaches over 80%, and the lack of job opportunities leaves a devastating mark on Rosebud families.

Winters in South Dakota are bitterly cold and often the communities there do not have the right clothes for the winter.

In our Clothes Drive we are collecting the following new items in a range of adult and children’s sizes:

  • Warm winter boots (any adult or children’s sizes)
  • Down jackets (all sizes up to XXL)
  • Diapers (all baby ages – from newborn to toddler)

Please drop them off during office hours at our office (651 Garrison Street, Suite 240, Lakewood, CO 80215) until November 8, 2022.

Give us a call at 720-457-4573 if you have any questions!